Recently in chat Matt s. posted a link to a short gif
A black and white dutch rabbit goes up to a hurdle with 4 bars, removes the second cross bar up with her mouth and walks through the hurdle, carrying the cross bar. She does not knock any of the other cross bars off. She carries the cross bar to the end of the runway and places it to the side, next to another spare bar laying on the floor.
The problem solving concepts implied here are huge.
- I don't want to jump over the hurdle, but I have to go straight ahead (there is a person behind the bunny) can I move one of those bars?
- Ok now I have a bar in my mouth, can I get through here without getting bonked on the head by the rest?
- I know the person is going to make me run down this runway, again, where can I put this so it is out of the way?
So how much of this is happenstance and how much is reasoning? How smart are rabbits?