We recently moved into a new house with our 2 cats. On the day of the move, as we know it was traumatic for them, we lock them in a room for the day. Once it all had settled down we locked all the windows and doors on the house and allowed them to explore their new environment. For the next month we had our 2 cats locked in the house so that they could get used to all the new smells (and as I was scared they would run away).
My 1 cat however never became accustomed to her new surroundings at all. She was always hiding under the bed or in the cupboard, until we eventually took the risk and decided to open the windows and doors.
She now runs and hides in the stormwater drain across the street from the house, and refuses to come out during the day. She will only come out at night (6pm to 6am).
I really want to correct her behavior as she never was like this at the previous house, always loving and always around, be it inside or outside. But When we do lock her in the house she cries non stop wanting to go out.
Is there anything I can do to keep her from running and hiding across the street all day?