Yesterday morning I noticed my cat's face seemed a little puffy around the left side of her mouth. I didn't see anything wrong and she didn't seem upset about it. Last night I checked again and her lower left canine was protruding outside of her upper lip like she'd had a severe underbite (she doesn't). Now this morning, the tooth is protruding at about a 45-degree angle out directly away from her face.
It's clearly bothering her because she spent half the night licking her mouth in my ear while I was trying to sleep. There must be some tenderness because now she won't let touch that side of her face, but she was happy enough to dive into her food bowl this morning.
I tried calling multiple vet offices but nobody could see us for several weeks. Do I need to take her to an emergency vet or should I just keep an eye on her energy and appetite for now? I'm concerned about possible infection and pain/discomfort.