I have a cat who lost her eyesight due to blood-pressure complications when she was about 6 years old (she is 8 now). She adapted very well to living without eyesight, to the point where it would almost seem as if she wasn't blind at all.
She obviously uses her hearing and sense of smell to navigate to food, water and toilet successfully, but she is currently sick with a flu and has lost her sense of smell, and to my understanding some loss of her hearing too (blockages from flu). Because of this, she is having some difficulty finding things.
My question is - can cats identify specific tones or frequencies generated by something like an Arduino & piezo buzzer, and then associate that tone to something, such as food?
I'm looking to create beacon-like devices which emit a specific frequency for a certain duration that a blind cat can potentially use as a reverse-echolocator, and just wanted to validate whether this is probably a waste of time, or something worth exploring?
Update (1/28/2020):
Thank you for all your suggestions. Unfortunately before I could complete a beacon POC, she had to be put to sleep due to a number of pre-existing issues that having flu/not eating catalyzed.
If you're reading this, and you have a blind cat, please ensure that they can wayfind without their sense of smell should they get sick.
RIP Katja, 2011-2020.