This is a general question, on if cancer surgery on fish can be an effective treatment. An answer on the related question Tilapia - Growth on neck suggests that all cancer surgery on fish will be unsuccessful.
I personally have seen a large carp (in a 5 gallon bucket of water) with a tumor visiting my exotics vet for surgery. I have another memory, of similar fish coming in for a check at another visit. At the time I assumed that it was the same fish, coming in for a post surgery check up. I don't really know what the out come was, I have just assumed everything was fine.
Update (some months later) Sharing the waiting room, with two large white and orange/red carp again. Owner verifies the carp is coming in for yet another cancer removal surgery, on a new tumor. As we know some ornamental fish can live long lives and it appears survive repeated surgery.
Looking for documented results of surgery success rates for growths on fish, cancerous, non-cancerous or undefined.