I have a cat (6 months old) and got myself a second one about 3 months ago (4 1/2 months old). After some difficulties at the beginning they understand each other well and play and cuddle with each other. But 2 weeks after I got the second cat, the first one started to do her business somewhere in the bathroom and no longer in the litter box (the big one), often even directly next to the litter box or in the shower.
The funny thing is that it only happens from time to time. Sometimes once a day, three days in a row. But sometimes only once a week. At the beginning I thought it was the stress with the new cat but meanwhile they are inseparable and I don't think it can be because of that.
She plays a lot, is healthy and eats enough. The brand of the litter has not changed and the toilet is cleaned about 2 times a day. The cat litter boxes have no lid and are big enough. With the second toilet it is the same.
I read that cats don't go to the toilet where they eat so I put the food bowls in the shower to test them for a day. When I looked at the bowls the next day, I noticed that she just defecated DIRECTLY into the bowl.
I don't know what to do about it. How do I prevent her from just going to the litter box and not using the whole bathroom for it?