We brough home an 8-month-old male Bichon Frise about six weeks ago. The little bugger fits the description in this pets.se question ...
My dog is becoming unusually hyper. Whining, won't hold still, and jumping/nipping at me
My dog is just over a year old, so full blown puppy stage... but she is constantly hyper. I don't mean like burst of energy then she lays down. She is always moving. I'll play with her, take her on walks, let her go to the bathroom regularly...but she just jumps on me and whines like she needs something, then when I pay attention it's more play. If she does sorta lay in my lap she's constantly moving positions and biting at my hands and legs. Then I'll pet her and she'll start play growling and biting more. It doesn't matter how many times I tell her 'no'. She keeps doing it. It doesn't matter how much I play with her, She is never tired. Is ADHD in dogs?
... with the exception that he was super hyperactive from day one.
We live in a rural area, and he gets his exercise tearing through a pasture which occupies the majority of our 10 acres. (Then he comes in and does the same thing in our large house.)
He was neutered a couple of weeks ago, but his hyperactivity hasn't diminished one bit since (presumably) there is less testosterone flowing through his veins.
The vet recommended 25 mg Benadryl. That worked at first, but now 50 mg only calms him for a couple of hours at most and it takes over two hours to take effect at all.
This is very stressful, not to mention time-consuming.
Is there another medication, etc. that anyone has found to be effective so that we can get a little peace and quiet?
Also, he doesn't sleep more that an hour during the time when he is not asleep on the bed (or in his crate) with us. Also, I have noticed that his head sometimes seems to nervously "vibrate" back and forth slightly when he is intently gazing at something.