So we have a Goldendoodle that is about 8 months old now and has learned many things so far. She knows that if she goes to our side door, we will open it, and she gets to go to our fenced in yard to goto the bathroom. When she wants to come in she does the reverse, where she goes to the door and barks a few times to be let in. This is great so far!
First Problem
This part is good for bathroom training but she also realizes that outside = play as well so she will constantly go by the door and bark many times a day to go play outside. The actual play itself isn't really a bad thing but more of an annoyance that she will go there so often. We can usually tell based on when she eats or drinks if she truly needs to go out for bathroom or just wants to play. If ignored at the door she will eventually go find something else to do inside.
So how can we curb this so she still goes to the door when needing to goto the bathroom but not constantly all the time? Is it bad that we ignore her whens he goes there if it is just for play?
Second Problem
For the same process, if we want her to come inside (like if we are heading out or something else) we will call her name followed by "Come". She will come to the door and sit at the bottom (which drives me nuts). We have tried using high value treats to get her to come up the stairs which works about 50% of the time but now I think she may be waiting a the steps because she knows if she waits there, she will get a treat to come up. We do give her treats when she comes in by herself as well to try and show that she gets it either way for coming in. So I feel like she is a very smart dog here and am unsure how to get her to come in more consistently so does anybody have any suggestions?