I'll be looking at both, the Malaysian Trumpet Snail as well as the Tarebia Granifera.
Tarebia Granifera
According to this shop selling them (I am not affiliated to that shop in any way), the life expectancy is about 3 years: Link (German website)
Alterserwartung: ca. 3 Jahre
This other German website on pets claims a life expectancy of max 3 years: Link
Lebenserwartung: bis 3 Jahre
According to these research notes, the life expectancy is more than 1 year: Link Alternative link
In terms of its bionomics, studies in Cuba9–13
showed it to be a relatively long-lived species with an expected
life-span of more than a year.
Then, on this German kind-of-forum website a user named "Fynn Günther" claims a life expectancy of 2 to 5 years for the whole family of Thiaridae, without specifying the exact species. Also this claim is unsourced.
Turmdeckelschnecken kann man im Aquarium halten. Sie benötigen, um sich gut fortbewegen zu können, feinen Sand oder Kies als Untergrund. Die optimale Wassertemperatur liegt bei 22-28 Grad Celsius und das Wasser sollte klar und sauber sein. Außerdem bevorzugt die Turmdeckelschnecke als Lebensraum Wurzeln und Blätter und ernährt sich von verrottendem Pflanzenmaterial. Die Lebenserwartung liebt bei 2-5 Jahren. (emphasis mine)
Malaysian Trumpet Snail
According to this page, the life expectancy of this species is about a year: Link
Usually, Malaysian trumpet Snails live about a year, though sometimes some snails can live a little longer.
The Aquarium Guide approves: Link
In general, Malaysian Trumpet Snails live about one year.
I'd expect them to live for 1 to 3 years. Considering that they can give birth to a baby snail every 12 hours