Older cats gain bone and arthritis problems that are exacerbated by hard landings after a jump.
We have an older cat in this place, and want to give them the best of both worlds:
- a multi-stage tower with various landings to suit their whims that day, and
- a series of ramp that go from floor to top.
We see the cat's mannerisms are to jump up to landings, and also to leap down from them. The jump-ups are not that much of a risk, provided they keep their footing. The jump-downs are a risk with the arthritis.
Does anyone have experience with making cat towers that have ramps that disincline the cat from jumping down? The cat will always jump-up if they have the will, and we don't intended to inhibit this.
We would like to know what slope and arrangement of ramps will naturally incline a cat to take the ramps down rather than leaping down. I have seen this with some elder dogs, but I think that dogs have a different temperament to jumping up/down.
Ideally someone has experience with this or has built it. Target height is 4-5 feet.