I have a 4 year old English bulldog who gets along very well with people and other dogs. One behavior I noticed is that she tends to be aggressive specifically towards small submissive dogs, so usually schnauzers, shih tzus, and so on.
What typically happens is that they'll approach each other, then my Bulldog stands stiff for a moment and side stares at the small dog. Then the small dog will show some disinterest and back away. Suddenly my bulldog will lunge at the small dog with aggressive growling noises while the small dog tries to run away with high pitched squeals. This only happens with timid small dogs. When a small dog approaches with confidence and wants to play then there's never any problems.
This has already happened a few times and luckily she hasn't bit anyone yet. I usually let her go to play with big dogs around, but now when someone adds a small dog in the mix I feel like I have no choice but to leash her back up.
Is there something that can be done to introduce her to small dogs and control her aggression?