I recently purchased a guppy and I feel that it's quite fatter and stomach is bulged compared to other fish.
Is it pregnant? How could I tell whether a guppy female is pregnant or not?
I recently purchased a guppy and I feel that it's quite fatter and stomach is bulged compared to other fish.
Is it pregnant? How could I tell whether a guppy female is pregnant or not?
Yes definitely pregnant. As Dalton says, you may want a birthing chamber to put her into.
From experience I would also look into sexing guppies if you want to keep your tank population in check. Guppies breed like rabbits. You can generally sex the fry (baby fish) at around 3 weeks.
I didn't learn this process quick enough when I was a teenager and went from 1 tank with 5 guppies in it, to 5 tasks with 600 guppies in less than 6 months! My parents were less than amused...
Good luck with your new hoard of little breeders.
LFlare is right. You have a pregnant female guppy there. It's a fuzzy pic, but it looks like she's got a while before she pops. What you need to look into now are live birthing chambers to keep her from eating the babies and deciding whether you'll let them into the main tank to take their chances or put them into a separate baby tank for a few months. I've done both. You have more control and loose less with the separate tank, but you can end up with stronger fish the other way. Guppies will cannibalize the babies.
Here you can see 4 signs of guppies during pregnancy until birth (source). The gravid spot does not need to be completely black, in lighter colored fish it could also be a kind of gray.
Fish in general do not get "fat bellies" like humans could. If they got lots of food, they will growth nearly equally on all ends. This said, a big belly is nearly always a sign for pregnancy.