A few months ago I had a male betta (separate tanks) pass away. I had him since I was 9, I'm currently 20.
So eight months ago I adopted my fifth betta. A veiltale female. Violet.
My mom and grandma BOTH gave me bettas for my birthday (a few weeks ago). I considered doing a female sorority. All are the same breed, the two newbies got along but violet, instantly flared and would corner them. I pulled her out and didn't try again.
They are both in 5 gallon tanks. I just got three mollys. I put her in and it was fine until one got too close. Now all she does is flare. It's been less than 3 hours. Is it okay to put her in the tank with the mollys?
I had her floating with them before to adjust. Both are in a new 10 gal tank. She is currently separate by a breeder, she still flares at that one molly. What do I do? Should I separate them and put her in my extra ten gal? Or try at one of my other younger bettas? I feel abusive leaving her in the breeder. Please help.