My dog recently developed this mania where he won't stop licking his front paws, not the thick skin under it, but rather the fur as in the "back of his hands" and along the legs.
He's always licking the fur, and the noise of him licking it is making the entire family crazy, like the sound of a kid chewing gun right next to your ears. It's like he's bored and that's his favorite entertainment.
The noise is not the only thing, the real problem this causes is that he is becoming increasingly bad-smelly because of the dry saliva that stays on the hairs. We recently took him to a hairdresser for washing and brushing, and only one week after it, he already smells as bad as before the washing.
My wife suggested it could be the food we're giving him, so we changed, but he still does that. We also got a "perfume" spray for animals from the pet store, and we are spraying him to get rid of the smell, especially around the area he keeps licking (maybe the taste will discourage him), but he can't stop doing it.
The vet couldn't decide a reason why he does that, so he gave us a full set of vitamins, some of which I've never heard of before (vitamin K, anyone?), and of course no help (otherwise I wouldn't be posting here).
We're really going crazy with this, so I come here to ask, anyone has experience with such problem? Any kind of suggestion would be appreciated.