I have an almost 3 year old beagle mix, I have had him since he was just a bit under a year old. He is house trained and used to never pee or poop in the floor. Now he's gotten to the point where he will pee in the floor while I'm gone.
He will hold it a good part of the day while I'm sleeping and I'll take him out as soon as I wake up, usually right before I go to work, but when I come home from work there's always pee on the floor.
Same thing if I go out anywhere, even if I'm only gone for like 30 minutes, I will come home to pee on the floor. He doesn't display any signs of separation anxiety, he doesn't whine when I leave, he's not bouncing off the walls when I get home, he greets me at the door with a wag and goes about his day.
What could be causing him to pee on the floor? I have cleaned and cleaned, but I can't get the smell of dog pee to go away now and I know my landlord is going to be furious.