I recently got a Belgian Terv puppy. At just shy of nine weeks, he weighed 9 pounds 5 oz. Three weeks later, he weighed 10 pounds 8 oz, a net gain of only 1 pound 3 oz. I was surprised, the vet was 'meh'.
He is eating a 5 star rated puppy food (dogfoodadvisor.com), was one cup 3x/d. Good energy, normal stool, looks healthy, but so furry, hard to tell if he's too thin or not.
I started adding toppers to his feeding and added an extra feeding/day to get him to eat more. Plus, for training treats, I'm giving boiled chicken, beef or other high-quality treats (freeze-dried liver, etc.).
I've looked for growth charts for the breed and I can't find any.
Because of intermittent regurgitation and vomitting, there's a small chance that the pup can have an esophageal or pyloric problem. The pup is scheduled for a visit next week, and if inadequate weight gain, this will be followed by a barium swallow study.
I spoke with the breeder (450 miles away, mind you) who at first wanted to switch out the puppy for another one (what? No, I've bonded to this puppy) and when I ran the possibility of a medical problem by her, she literally screamed at me not to get the puppy tested, not to trust the vet ("They don't know what they're doing! They know nothing about this breed! They're only in it for the money!"), and when I said I would trust the vet, she threatened to reclaim the dog because of abuse, so I think she's out of the picture.
I've tried two other puppy foods to see if the pup likes one more than another. He looks great to me, but definitely smallish.
Any suggestions? (Googling BT growth rates gets me no helpful hits.)