I recently rescued a feral kitten (at least a couple of months) from my neighborhood about 3 days ago. When I captured him, I just let him out in my bathroom (from the cage I caught him in), without first taking him to the vet. :-/ Well, I'm noticing that his right eye is milky, and I'm going to take him to the vet tomorrow. He's curled up behind my toilet. What is the least traumatizing way to get him from behind the toilet to a medium sized dog-like cage?
There's no way he's going to let me just pick him up, and he hasn't eaten since I've trapped him (so luring him with food won't work). Does anyone know how I can get him to run into the cage without fully traumatizing him?
P.S. He was eating the same food outside when he was free, so it's not that he doesn't like the food. I think he's just too scared to eat it. Please help!