How can I get my mickey mouse platy to start birthing the young again? She had given birth to three - I wanna say - preemies because an egg was laying at the bottom of our breeder tank that I had her in she at two of the babies I was able to save the third baby and that baby is doing well.
I moved the mother back into the main tank and have the one baby in the breeder box. The babies where born on August 18th 2016 and it's now four days latter. The mother is still swimming and thriving, but still looks pregnant. She eats and is pooping really well and she is looking square in the normal pregnancy way too. She is showing signs of trying to go back into labor by hiding slow swimming movements too. Any advise on what to do?
I have the temp set between 78°F (25,5°C) and 80°F (26,5°C). I also have moved the live plants into the main tank and bought a separator to have the platy on the one side of the main tank and the Molly and cat fish on the other side. Our molly is not pregnant. This is I believe the platy's first set of baby fry. I have a ten gallon tank.