he definitely seems to be trying to get our attention
You're absolutely right about that, and he's succeeding, because:
I have tried spraying him with a water bottle
Unfortunately, by doing that, you're counterintuitively allowing your cat to win the struggle between the two of you. He wants you awake and paying attention to him, to reach the ends he's looking for (playtime, more food, attention in general, whatever that may be). To your mind, you're halfway to your goal of getting him to settle down because he stops for ten minutes, and you just need to find the rest of the solution. But to his mind, he's halfway to his goal. You're awake, now he just needs to get to his goal of getting you to engage with him in the manner he wants.
Fortunately, it's unlikely that the problem is past correction, but it may take more work at this point than it would have to start out with the solution. Start by putting things away that may be broken or may cause him harm (pill bottles, jewelry, etc). Minimize the stimuli present in the bedroom so there's little he can get into, either to wake you or to inadvertently cause harm to himself or anyone/thing else. This includes cat toys; remove any noisy ones from the room, and minimize others. If your intent is to leave the door open at night, consider picking up all noisy cat toys (such as plastic balls with bells) each evening, and leaving them available only during the day. Feed just before you go to bed (if you use scheduled feedings, set one at that time of day; if you free-feed, fill the bowl at that time). You'll set the cat on the path to taking a nap instead of being in "hunt" mode, and minimize the chance of "I'm hungry!" being a reason to wake you up.
If you plan to keep your door closed, with the cats in the bedroom, be sure to add food (if free-fed), water, and a litter box in the bedroom area; again, this is to minimize reasons they might feel a need to wake you up. A well-maintained litterbox will not cause any additional odors in a bedroom, and a cat who knows there's a litterbox available will not feel a need to wake you to leave and get to another box. Ensure there's comfortable places for your cats to sleep in addition to your bed, as well; a small cat tower or elevated bed can be good options.
All these handle the cat side of the equation, but there's still your side to deal with: Do not respond to any attempt to wake you up. The only exception to this should be if a real danger to life or property exists, in which case your engagement should be as brief as possible. No spray bottles, no scolding, no nothing--if and when the cat wakes you up, don't let it know. Pretend to stay asleep, and if you do need to interrupt dangerous behavior, make it very brief, and immediately "go back to sleep." When your cat realizes that his efforts to wake you are no longer working, he'll stop engaging in them, and will start to let you sleep.
The main key in the process is that you have to be more stubborn than your cat. He's so far been winning, and he's not going to settle down quickly when he starts losing--in fact, he may increase his efforts to wake you at first, because what he was doing has stopped working. It will take some time, but by consistently not giving in to his efforts, he'll eventually realize that nothing is effective anymore and start sleeping through the night. The good news is that I've never failed to teach a cat to sleep through the night using this process. Once he (and the others) are reliably set in the new behavior, you can even largely stop collecting toys in the evening and putting everything away where the cats can't access it. You may occasionally still have a night where a wound-up cat still really wants that jingle ball, but you only need to pick up that one toy and settle down for the night to end it.