An incompetent relative of mine (I'm not sure who) left a cough candy in its wrapper unattended.
All my relatives left the house, and I'm staying with the dog.
Apparently, the dog got hold of this candy and ate it.
- 8-12 months old (I don't keep track)
- miniature schnauzer.
- "Ricola -- Original Swiss Herb"
- sugar free
- active ingredient:
- menthol, 4.8 mg
- inactive ingredients:
- extracts of a Ricola herb mixture (elder, horehound, hyssop, lemon balm, lindens flowers, mallow, peppermint, sage, thyme, wild thyme)
- isomalt
- natural flavor
- sorbitol
This is all the information from the bag.
- Dogs, especially mini schnauzers, cannot have sweets and have a weak pancreas.
- My grandmother's (who is notorious for over-feeding living beings) mini schnauzer (which lived until a ripe old age) ate sweets like chocolates all the time and had no noticeable negative effects.
What do I do?