I need to travel internationally with cockatiels.
For travel it is often required to have some sort of identification attached to the animal, such as microchips or leg bands. For birds of this size the only option is leg bands.
Question: Where can I get traceable leg bands for adult parrots in the US?
There doesn't seem to be a standardized system for leg band (codes), nor any centralized database. I believe USDA only issues leg bands when birds are imported, but not for domestic birds (not 100% sure). The point is that the leg band I get should be traceable, i.e. whatever USA or foreign authority that looks at it should be able to retrieve information about the bird based on the code. What are my options?
ACS and NCS sells traceable bands for members (breeders), but my understanding is that these are closed bands only suitable for baby birds. Once the bird grows up, the band doesn't come off and it's not possible to put on a closed band, so this is not what I need. (I might have misunderstood something though.)
Update: Based on further research, this question boils down to:
Which reputable organizations in the USA offer open and traceable leg bands? I found one so far: AFA
It would be useful to know what requirements EU countries typically put on leg bands, if any. While this question is more vague, from experience the USA is notorious for not adopting international standards (e.g. for USA-obtained microchips one usually needs to get a compatible microchip reader when travelling abroad...)