I have a female English Lop that started growing well and was on a healthy track to meet normal weight requirements. She got stressed out and stopped eating and drinking. We were able to prevent total GI statis with yogurt and got her eating again. But her growth has stopped. Normal weight for a Adult Female English lop is 10.5 pounds but she has stalled around 9 pounds since she was 7 months and is now approaching 12 months.
We free feed(as much as she wants) 16%-18% Professional Show Rabbit feed currently. We provide her hay but have limited it because she will eat only hay and avoid pellets if we let her. We also try to supplement with fresh parsley every other week.
There are no real signs of any health issue. She eats and drinks enough to maintain her weight. Her droppings and urine appear normal and of appropriate quantity. She has not had any mucus discharge, and our regular Physical examination shows no areas of concern. Her weight is not unhealthy, though it she is not a full and meaty as she was at 6 months, she is still nicely proportioned.
Is there anything safe and natural we can do to encourage her growth?