Details about dog:
•Rottweiler Mix
•5 years old
Has never had anything like anxiety, has only lived in one place, was raised by my aunt (so not abuse or history of abuse), no changes in food or daily life, and is healthy. She has always been a chill and sweet dog.
Questionable behavior:
About 2 days ago she started whining all day. We gave her a doses of baby aspirin (did not do anything),made sure she has food and water, but when we take her out she starts digging like crazy (not weird behavior for her) in the pile of wood we have outside. When we inspected the pile we just found the hole she has been making. She has gone from this sweet and chill girl who has a motherly instinct for anyone, to this crazed dog who can't get comfortable, paces back n forth, whines all day, and is attached to her owner. Please if you have anything to say (expert or not) please help she is freaking me out