So my wife to be and myself started a dancing course in preparation of our marriage party. We totally enjoy dancing together and would love to do it more often and especially also doing it at home. Problem is, as much as we like it, our dog seems to not like it.
If it is important, the dog is a 9 years old Shiba Inu. So having quite their own head.
So what happens is, whenever we start dancing the moment our dog notices it he first observes it carefully for a few seconds. If we stop at that point, he will sometimes even for minutes stare down the position we stopped dancing at. If we continue he first comes closer to us sometimes circling us and (nervously?) nudging our heels. If we then don't stop he starts intensive barking until we stop it.
We first thought that this was just another of the kinda weird quirks of our adorable doggy, but I learned today from another couple that their dog behaved in a similar way when they were practicing dancing at home. So I did some research on the matter.
dog whines and barks when we dance, my dog hates it when I dance and traindogsonline where some of the articles I read so far.
Sadly this is all just hypothesizes about why a dog might behave that way and the third one I linked is the only one coming at least close to a proposal how to solve this problem (Which essentially writes "Try to make your dog getting used to it").
So I think for our dog it is just the "not knowing why we do it and finding it unusual" kind of reaction. I mean she really freaks out about it and sometimes even seems kinda... distraught.
Also she starts whining, once she hears our steps, if we separate our-self into another room for dancing.
So my question is, given her reaction to us dancing:
What would be a good way of getting our dog used to us regularly dancing together, when it makes her in some way feel scared?