When my dog sees or hears something scary, then she can go into full panic mode, and in there she is uncontrollable. For example fireworks. She can handle 1, max 2 explosions, after that it's full panic. In full panic, she keeps pulling with all the strength she has. I presume she's trying to run home. But I would prefer that she would come to me. Best result be no fear at all, but that's impossible.
She's not a large dog (19 kg) but if she pulls with full force when she is panicked, she has quite a lot of strength. I can handle it, but my girlfriend is having trouble holding on in these situations. Is there a way we could train her, that if she gets scared, she would come to me, or my girlfriend?
The problem is only outdoors. Indoors, she's not that scared, and somewhat controllable.