I have a five-months-old wild European rabbit. She was rescued by a colleague from a cat's mouth. She binkys every night and roams freely. She has bonded with me and jumps on me all the time. I'm considering having her spayed because of the high uterine cancer risk, but the vet was worried that she might not survive the surgery because of the high stress (she is very afraid of being handled by strangers). Our worry is that she may stop eating in a strange place, before and after the surgery.
I don't want to release her because wild European rabbits have over 90% mortality rate in the first year, and PETA's research shows that "wild rabbits have relatively short life spans (typically, less than two years)". She is happy and healthy now, but if she's not spayed, eventually she'll probably develop cancer. Does anyone know if it's safe to spay a wild rabbit? Thanks a lot.