Since our dog was badly attacked a few months ago we have been investigating many many different techniques and products to help stop attacks in progress (on top of preventative measures) and one I recently stumbled upon was a product called Sentry Stop That!.
It states that it has a Lavender chamomile fragrance as well as pheromones (I have been told it contains 0.1% Pheromone); but the main point of it is it's "hissing sound" it makes.
The product can be found here:
Based on info found in @elmy's answer it appears this spray uses Pig Pheromones; what type of pig pheromone it uses is unclear however.
To get the to the root of my question, when our dog was attacked, she was attacked by another dog that was on heat (or just coming off heat); so my question is, would a product that contains Pheromones make dogs that are on heat/coming off heat more horny/wild - because obviously that is the opposite of what we want.
I guess because it is a pig pheromone it shouldn't be an issue as it comes from a different species, but something that stood out to me from the article was this part:
Having shown its effectiveness, McGlone was able to classify androstenone not only as a pheromone but also as an intermone, a term developed by him and his team that refers to a product that is a "pheromone in one species and has a behavioral effect in another species, but we do not know if it is a pheromone (naturally produced) in the other species."
I have asked the supplier but it seems they didn't really want to directly answer the question.