Okay, so I have four cats in my household now. About a month ago, two started fighting. Neither were neutered, and one was the offspring of the other. I don't feel like typing out their names, so let's go by initials. The oldest male cat is called B, and the child is named W.
W has just now grown into a full grown male cat, and has tried to breed with the two other female cats. B then attacked him, and every time they saw each other, they would fight until W has secluded himself in small rooms and corners, and hisses when B comes near him. My family and I decided it was due to them not being neutered, so we had that done a couple days ago. Now, B still attacks W and W still hides. He also refuses to use the litter tray, and is generally terrified of B.
Will this change, or will we have to do more?
fully grown male
, which theoretically, is only 1 yr old, for an 'adult'. However, a fully grown adult may take up to 2-4 years to reach maximum size.